Monday, November 04, 2013

21st Century Theological training – vision radio interview

My radio interview on 20twenty – Life, culture & current events from a Biblical perspective is available here.

Adelaide College of Divinity have introduced some innovative 21st century concepts including study tours and Blended Learning.

Host: Neil Johnson
Guest: Steve Taylor – Principal Uniting College (part of ACD)

I talk about the value of ecumenism in education in a pluralist world and about 3 waves of distance as it impacts upon theological education

  • distance as written
  • distance by broadcast
  • distance by blended learning

I also talk about flipped learning and the rationale for beyond the classroom study tour experiences – those who learn by watching. I finish by reflecting on the imperative of mission in theological education, including the places we go and the books we read if our God is a global God.

“Steve Taylor, you are an inspiration” concludes the radio announcer, Neil Johnson.

Posted by steve at 06:02 PM


  1. It was such a good interview! Good work and excited to be a part of such a great college

    Comment by Nicole — November 4, 2013 @ 6:27 pm

  2. Thanks Nicole. Much appreciated feedback. It was fun to talk about College 🙂


    Comment by steve — November 5, 2013 @ 11:14 pm

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