Friday, July 16, 2004

a moment of cyncism

donut blogs = a blog in which the outside looks much more better than the reality. this need not be deliberate.

raising my google ranking = elevating crap

RSS feeds = a commitment to letting headlines shape one’s priorities

Posted by steve at 02:31 PM


  1. they are just the tools! you’re right – when the tools become more important than the reason for writing in the first place, it’s time to turn off the computer for a while and go watch some movies and read some books.

    Paradoxology posted about an organisation that specialises in actually PLANNING church as a marketing exercise:
    Depressing on one level, but also prophetic in its capacity to reveal the possible holes we could fall into.

    Have a happy, non-cynical weekend!

    Comment by maggi — July 16, 2004 @ 9:55 pm

  2. Ahh I’ve missed your healthy does of cynicism 🙂 Good to check on what we’re doing every so often.

    Comment by Rachel C — July 19, 2004 @ 8:42 am

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