Monday, July 02, 2012

a question (2) of Principal

This continues my “As an incoming Principal, I have plenty of questions” series – questions that I ponder as I begin a new role as Principal at Uniting College. (First question, with some responses is here).

Here is the second question I’m asking

How much, and what type of time, should a Principal give to students? Teach a class? Supervise a thesis? An initial connection and then as a student requests? Informal chats in a break between classes? Have them over for meals?

All responses welcome. Because


you got it ….

Sometimes a question, followed by a response helps one listen. Sometimes a question, followed by a response confirms an intuition. Sometimes a question, followed by a response simply reveals what the next question should be.

Posted by steve at 06:26 PM

1 Comment

  1. I think this depends on your vision of principal ship and of any of these other functions are being filled by other parts of the faculty. Plus what is the principal there for? The students in a pastoral
    Mentoring capacity or as big picture Long term strategy capacity. Plus not all students will want or require the same approach.
    I reckon teaching a course is good – but at which level
    I reckon conversations are good – some structured and some unstructured – perhaps apply the question response paragraph to students

    Comment by Michelle cook — July 2, 2012 @ 6:47 pm

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