Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fuller, july 07, living the text in a contemporary context

Just a heads up for those interested, that I’m down to teach a week long intensive at Fuller Theological Seminary July 9-13. The course, titled Living the Text in a Postmodern context, emerges out of my personal wrestling with how to use the Bible, week by week, with real groups of people, given that people are made with 5 senses, and that our world has gone much more visual and interactive.

In more formal words: This course will explore the communication of the Biblical text in a contemporary world, with particular missiological reference to the use of the Bible in the postmodern, emerging church. It will apply theological insights around text, community and culture, to the task of maintaining and communicating the integrity of the Biblical text with reference to postmodernity. As a result of the course, students will be better equipped to read and communicate the Biblical text in a postmodern context.

I taught the course at Fuller a year ago and had a great time with a great class. So my expectations are high and I am looking forward to being back at Fuller. The course is being code-shared between the School of Intercultural Studies and the D.Min program, so it can be done either as part of the Masters, or for the D.Min. (I have also been asked me to develop it for their Masters in Global leadership, which goes on-line to 50 countries, but that discussion is still on-going).

Anyhow, more details of the course outline are here. And last year Ryan Bolger was asking me about the course and what I’ll cover, so I did a 90 second podcast, if you want to listen here (450K). Or check out here for some of their learning from their class blogs if you want.

Posted by steve at 05:49 PM


  1. Hey Steve, Mark from Adelaide here – Still enjoying the coffee! Hope all goes well for you at Fuller. One of our lecturers from Tabor Adelaide is teaching there around that time (Graham Buxton). I would be interested to here whether you think we need to understand the world behind th text before we can communicate the text in a contemporary world (in an NT Wright kind of way)? My thinking is; if we don’t then we could float off into a world of our own design??? Ciao

    Comment by Mark — June 1, 2007 @ 10:37 am

  2. Steve,

    Have you ever taught this course here in Oz? I’d love to see that happen.


    Comment by Andrew — June 1, 2007 @ 4:07 pm

  3. Andrew,

    i am happy to be asked. i could either do it through some undergrad place in Melb (Tabor or Whitely?); or perhaps do it through Fuller, who do teach some block courses into aussie?

    the course is a 1 week block. 10 sections as follows:
    1. Living the text today
    2. Living the text with imagination
    3. Living a strange text
    4. Living the text between gospel and culture
    5. Living the text in community
    6. Pre and post-texting
    7. Txting the text
    8. Case studies and Field trip.
    9. Storytelling the old, new story
    10. Living the whole text

    i have also had loose talks with Steve Roggero and Craig Mitchell about doing my Missional Church Leadership course as a DMin block course; and they were going to contact Fuller about this.


    Comment by steve — June 1, 2007 @ 4:33 pm

  4. Mark,
    I like what Paul Riceour says, that there is a world in front of the text (what the reader brings), in the text (the literature and genre) and behind the text (author intent). I try to teach all 3 worlds cos if you ignore any, you are floating somewhere unhealthy.

    anyhow, just about to slip out for a coffee 🙂


    Comment by steve — June 13, 2007 @ 6:01 pm

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