Tuesday, November 03, 2020
innovation evaluation
One of my tasks this year has been innovation evaluation. As Principal of KCML, particularly in 2016 and 2017, I sought to develop New Mission Seedlings, local mission experiments in partnerships with wider church. The hope was to find spaces to encourage mission and the forming of leaders in mission.
With two New Seedlings developing in 2018, there was always a need to reflect on progress. So over the last 6 months, I’ve worked with one particular local seedling. Together there’s been a 360 design, finding ways to encourage grassroots reflection and generate missional reflection. Being 360, this needed to include children, along with those new to the various mission ministries. So there’s been some careful thought regarding language.
After the design was agreed, I’ve been busy interviewing folk, then compiling and feeding back to the leadership and external funders.
Tonight, there’s a further feeding back, to those invested in this particular seedling. In preparing, I’ve played with shaping it in the arc of worship. So tonight, everyone will get a coloured highlighter
- if yellow, they are to look for things in the review to thank God for
- if pink (purple/orange), they are to look for things in the review to seek forgiveness for (After all, to err is human, to forgive divine)
- if green, they are to look for things in the review to ask God for help with
So after a bit of an introduction to the review, folk will get busy with their highlighter. This will allow us to move through praise and confession. Next, we will then gather around the Word – by considering some of the Jesus images present in the review, followed by the recommendations (response to the Word). Finally, those with green will be invited to offer prayers of intercession.
An evaluation of innovation, shaped by the arc of gathered worship, that should encourage the 360 participation of all involved.
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