Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Unbounding learning communities in Practical Theology
Practical Theology acceptance ..
Unbounding learning communities: Ako-empowered research in life-long ministerial formation
Steve Taylor and Rosemary Dewerse
Abstract: While formation is an essential practice of local church communities, the formation of ministers for ordination, along with continued professional education, is generally located in the context of higher education. ‘Ako’, describing a teaching and learning relationship grounded in reciprocity, and employed as an approach to researching life-long learning needs among ordained ministers in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, challenged this separation. The results of interviews and workshops with 285 lay and ordained leaders challenged the location of postgraduate provision in the context of higher education. The request was to teach leaders with their people in community in practices for living differently, with a focus on educating educators in relationally embodied ways. Educational experiments clarified ways of unbounding learning for local communities. These praxis-derived discoveries are clarified by conversation with the life of Jesus and Irenaeus’ theological anthropology of recapitulation. This brings clarity regarding the nature of ako as reciprocity in communities of practice and a reimagining of theological colleges as facilitators of unbounded local learning communities.
Keywords: ako, communities of practice, formation, Irenaueus, life-long learning, theological education
More fruit from the Thornton Blair Research project into life-long ministerial formation.
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