Saturday, April 10, 2010

women and the emerging church. a bibliography

For a number of months I’ve been meaning to compile a list of missional and emerging church writers who are female. I’ve been prompted by a colleague who is doing a post-graduate project on women and the missional church, plus a glance over my Missional Church Leadership bibliography and the realisation that it is still overwhelmingly male. Plus stumbling across this podcast, which is me interviewing Jenny McIntosh back in 2006, on the topic of gender and the emerging church conversation.

Which prompted a brief literature search. My criteria included being recently published and with a focus on mission/evangelism/leadership. Here is the list. Who am I missing?

Cameron, Helen, Resourcing Mission, SCM Press, 2010.

Dean, Kendra Creasy, Practicing Passion. Youth and the Quest for a Passionate church, Eerdmans, 2004

Drane, Olive, Spirituality to Go: rituals and reflections for everyday living, DLT, 2006.

Heath, Elaine, The Mystic Way of Evangelism. A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach, Baker Academic, 2008.

Emergent Manifesto of Hope, Baker, 2007, has chapters by seven women authors, including Heather Kirk-Davidoff, Nanette Sawyer, Carla Barnhill, Sherry and Geoff Maddock, Sally Morgenthaler, Karen E. Sloan, Deborah and Ken Loyd.

Jamieson, Alan, Jenny McIntosh, Adrienne Thompson, Church Leavers: Faith Journeys Five Years on, SPCK, 2006.

Morisey, Ann, Journeying Out: A New Approach to Christian Mission, Geoffrey Chapman, 2004.

Morisey, Ann, Bothered and Bewildered: Enacting Hope in Troubled Times, Continuum, 2009.

Morisey, Ann, Beyond the Good Samaritan, Geoffrey Chapman, 2003.

Murray, Stuart and Anne Wilkinson-Hayes, Hope from the Margins: New Ways of Being Church, Grove Books, 2000

Nash, Sally, Jo Pimlott and Paul Nash, Skills for Collaborative Ministry, SPCK, 2008.

Richards, Anne, Sense Making Faith. Body, Spirit, Journey, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, 2007.

Sheir-Jones, Angela, Pioneer Ministry and Fresh Expressions of Church, SPCK Publishing, 2009

Shroyer, Danielle, The Boundary-Breaking God: An Unfolding Story of Hope and Promise, Jossey-Bass, 2009.

Sawyer, Nanette, Hospitality the Sacred Art: Discovering the Hidden Spiritual Power of Invitation and Welcome, Skylight Paths Publishing, 2007.

Tickle, Phyllis, The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why: How Christianity Is Changing and Why, Baker Books, 2008.

Diana Butler Bass ….

Posted by steve at 10:16 PM


  1. Diana Butler Bass

    Comment by Sue Ellis — April 11, 2010 @ 6:51 pm

  2. Me actually – I’m not keen on this ’emerging church’ language myself (seems to me it’s been emerging for 2,000 years) or ‘fresh expressions’ as they call them this way up (does any one want to do stale expressions?) Anyway I do remembering the bible, an oral/aural way of using bible/gospel narrative for community building. My book is Word of Mouth and it’s published by Wild Goose at
    Fanx. My blog is a place I post about RB sometimes. My friend Jane told me about you.

    Comment by Janet Lees — April 14, 2010 @ 6:52 pm

  3. Thanks Janet. Your comment left me a bit confused. It seems you are saying that you don’t like the term emerging church/fresh expression. Yet you are suggesting your book be included on such a list. Am I hearing you correct?


    Comment by steve — April 15, 2010 @ 9:08 am

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