Friday, January 07, 2005

Booked to San Diego

My tickets for USA arrived today. Zondervan and emergent/Youth Specialties are flying me to the US as part of the launch of my book – out of bounds church? learning to create communities of faith in a culture of change.

I am due into LA on Monday 31 January. (Any bloggers in Pasadena keen to keep me awake Monday?)

I am spending Tuesday at Fuller Theological Seminary, with Doug McConnell, Dean of School of Intercultural Studies. We are brainstorming around globalisation and emergent church and training. I am also doing a seminar for staff and students at Fuller – where I will try and present some sort of overview of the emergent tribes and suggest a range of metaphors that might stimulate mission in a postmodern world.

Wednesday, 2 February I fly to San Diego for the emergent convention. I am doing 2 seminars;

Out of Bounds: Mission in the Emerging Church
Text in a TXT World: Postmodern Communication

As a result, people are meant to buy copies of my books and spread the word that it’s hot! I’m looking forward to getting a close up view of emergentUSA and meeting some people that have until now only been blog names; and three cheers for zondervan and emergent.

Posted by steve at 11:34 PM


  1. Steve,
    congrats on the book. I look forward to picking a copy up. I’ll be at the Nashville Emergent Convention in May. Will you be there, as well? I’d love to hook up sometime and chat. Cheers and good luck with your venture to the US.


    Comment by Jonathon Norman — January 8, 2005 @ 3:23 am

  2. Cool. Cool. Cool. I know I’m not supposed to be, but I’m green with envy [winking]…there will be some interesting people there and like you I love to spend some time with what will continue to be names and faces (sometimes). Hope the holiday is going well.

    Comment by Paul Fromont — January 8, 2005 @ 6:30 am

  3. Out of Bounds: Taylor on Postmodern Missiology

    I’ve been waiting for a bit for Steve Taylor’s Ph.D. dissertation in the mail so I could look at his research and findings.

    Comment by theVoiz — January 8, 2005 @ 7:25 am

  4. Congrats on the book release!

    If you get a chance, while you are in SD, you might try going down to Old Town (any cabbie will know how to get there). There should still be a great pub where they sell beer by the yard and the whole crowd does sing alongs. Also, there is some really great Mexican food down there.

    Comment by Rich — January 8, 2005 @ 8:34 am

  5. Steve,

    Where can I get a copy of your book? I’m slowly trying to build a emergent collection on the volunteer’s stipend 🙂

    Also, if you haven’t been to So Cali before, it’s really nice. I used to live in San Bernardino…btw. Please eat some real Mexican food. Go to Taco Bell at least, the chalupas are very good. For your own good. Don’t know about your place, but all the “mexican” places in AKL are poor imitations.

    Comment by Jon L — January 9, 2005 @ 10:54 pm

  6. also…are there recordings (mp3s, cds) of your conventions?

    Comment by Jon L — January 9, 2005 @ 10:54 pm

  7. The pub where they sell beer by the yard is called The Yardhouse. Great selection of beer and loud drunk people – just don’t drive if you are planning on drinking a full yard of it. If you want a SoCal specialty, try the fish tacos or tostadas de ceviche at Senor Fish in Eagle Rock – or the hookah bar at the Equator in Pasadena.

    Comment by Christy — January 11, 2005 @ 1:00 pm

  8. Hey Steve,
    Let the emergent/YS folks know that I can use a copy of the book for review in February Next-Wave, ok?
    Charlie Wear

    Comment by Charlie Wear — January 17, 2005 @ 7:13 am

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