Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Church and Society Summer schooling

First day of my lecturing Church and Society at the University of Auckland Summer School; 33 students, good cultural and gender and age mix. It is really nice to be doing it in the heart of Auckland; High Court just down the street, Old Parliament buildings across the street.

Today was introductions and learning styles; then how we can find God, not only in the Bible, but also in society and church communities. After lunch we explored the various ways that church has responded to society.
complete with a few case studies including Faithless, God is a DJ and this fascinating comment on contemporary attitudes to church;

It’s a pity their [church] withdrawal from society at large has become so complete they sought out a solution without communicating with society.

Posted by steve at 10:13 PM


  1. So, what assignments to they have to do?? I heard tell of a rebellion?

    Comment by Larraine — January 29, 2004 @ 7:18 am

  2. more in response to the article than the course, but related probably (:-)), I thought the most facinating comment was: “The church now, basically, is cafe culture. It’s quite a contrast to 30 years ago. It’s completely okay to do anything you like on a Sunday.”
    Liquid Church anyone?

    Comment by Gareth — January 30, 2004 @ 7:18 pm

  3. Larraine, to answer your question; there are 3 assessemnts;

    1 – Conduct a critical review of either Liquid Church or The McDonaldisation of the Church – 30% essay – 1500 words

    2 – Contemporary survey. Chose a theme either spirituality or identity or land. Discuss how this theme is expressed in society today and theological themes that might intersect with your chosen theme. Students are encouraged to use art and poetry in their work – 30% survey – 1500 words

    3 – Project. You are a church and society consultant. You have been asked to make a presentation to either
    a) inner city church
    b) urban marae (assume for this exercise that the kaupapa is Christian)
    c) arts and spirituality centre (again assume for this exercise that the kaupapa is Christian)
    d) by negotation
    You are asked to spend half your time making this group aware of how society is affecting them today and half your time outlining one future project that you are recommending will help them intersect with society – 2000 words – 40%

    Comment by steve — January 31, 2004 @ 10:08 pm

  4. Nice looking assignments. I like number 2 especially.

    How long do they have to do them?

    Comment by Stephen — February 2, 2004 @ 10:08 am

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