Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Spirit of life pentecost festival

The Spirit in all of life, inside and outside the church, in word and deed, in art and mission, storytelling with Simon Brown, teaching with Steve Taylor, art and mission seminar with Peter and Joyce Majendie, creative seminars, rituals and prayers for new babies, coffee, community …

Friday, 2nd June
6.15pm BYO takeaways for tea
7.00-8.30pm Trivia night
9.00-11.00pm Movie: The Fighting Temptations

Saturday 3rd June
From Inspiration to Installation
9.30-5.30: creating public art as mission
(Peter and Joyce Majendie) Cost = $45

9.30-10.30am: Spirit of Life Teaching 1 (Steve Taylor)
10.50-12.30: Story telling (Simon Brown) (note a)
OR Leaf rubbing & kite making (note b)

1.30-2.00pm: Spirit of Life Teaching 2 (Steve Taylor)
2.00-3.30: New Life: rituals and prayers for new babies
OR Leaf rubbing and kite making (note b)
OR Tile painting creative expression (note b)
4.00-5.30: Either Storytelling finishing or enjoy time out.

7.00-8.30pm: Concert and storytelling
8.30-9.00pm: Supper
9.00-10.00pm: Late night worship (in Pentecost art installation)
Notes: (a: Charge = $20 for non-Opawa Baptist people)
(b: Material fee of $5 applies)

Sunday 4th June
10.30-11.45am: Pentecost church service (Simon Brown)
7.00-8.00pm: Worship in the art

All at Opawa Baptist Church
cnr Hastings & Wilsons, Christchurch,
More info: 03-379 7680 or office at opawa dot org dot nz

More info here

Posted by steve at 09:15 AM

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