Thursday, July 12, 2007

the gift of a question, the question of a gift

One of my students in my Living the text in a Postmodern (Fuller) context class gave me a gift this week. Here it is:

“Where does this story connect with brokenness in the tellers life?”

(Context for those interested: We had been discussing storytelling and the student was making some links between the narrative of my preaching journey, a group storytelling exercise I had done with them in the morning, moving into an afternoon storytelling workshop in which I was trying to help students work on developing awareness of their own stories. We then used the question to evaluate a class case study – a narrative sermon.)

It is a question that I will pin on my wall and use to guide my ongoing talking. I think it relates back to a post from a few months ago on stories of failure.

Posted by steve at 02:03 PM

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