Thursday, July 07, 2005

a poorly paid writer

Today I got paid to write. I am doing my first ever commissioned piece of writing. It feels very strange.

Today I have learnt that I won’t make my fortune as a paid commissioned writer. I would need to do 10 of these commissions a week and to work a whole lot faster than I have today.

Posted by steve at 05:30 PM


  1. You have joined the club.

    I have had advances paid on 2 books pre-publication nearly 5 years ago, and nothing further as sales have yet to reach that luxurious level of royalties.

    The last royalty I ever received was for contributing a couple of chapters to a multi-authored book in 2003.

    Those funds are “nice” when coming from overseas as they pay out well in local currency. And they can be nice additions when there’s a regular salary. I last had a regular fortnightly salary in 2003. A long time between drinks!

    Comment by philjohnson — July 7, 2005 @ 7:33 pm

  2. This sounds tough but if it is any help I understand The Readers Digest pay quite well!

    Comment by Elizabeth — July 8, 2005 @ 3:48 pm

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