Sunday, October 30, 2011

a visual vision for mission

This image became prayer for me today.

It was from an item of clothing at Pumpkin Patch. It got me thinking about a quote from Mike Frost, via Tim Hein at the mission shaped ministry course on Wednesday night

If you want to change the church more than you want to change the world, you’re NOT YET MISSIONAL.

And some things clicked for me in terms of leadership development. I’ve struggled historically with the concept of training leaders for the church. That’s because it’s often been presented as a vision to change the church.

Which is, as Mike rightly notes, is simply not missional. I need to keep hold of the vision of leading a church to build the city, rather than building the church itself. That’s what missional church leadership is all about.

For another vision for mission, see here.

Posted by steve at 09:58 PM


  1. Mate great quote from Frosty, he of course is right. I remember going to a seminar with Steve Addison, Frost and Hirsch, where steve was talking about movements, when they start they have passion and engagement as focus, but as they get bigger they tend to start building structures and these, while initially giving great drive to the movement, the movement of it is not focused turns into Church that is dedicated to perpetuating the structures. The arguement of course is that we have to again find ourselves as a movement, this is what gives me so much hope with fresh expressions and the great leadership you and others like Frost and Co are providing. Looking forward to the Dranes coming, we are booked to fly Qantas.

    Comment by Peter Overton — October 30, 2011 @ 10:12 pm

  2. and looking forward to seeing you Peter,


    Comment by steve — October 31, 2011 @ 5:19 pm

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