Wednesday, February 15, 2006

DJing gospel and culture video interview

In postcard 8 of my out of bounds church? book I explore the relationship between gospel and culture. Rather than present either/or opposites of wholesale withdrawal or wholesale assimilation, I use the image of DJ to explore how, in a fragmented and postmodern world, we engage in multiple responses to culture; of protest and subversion and affirmation. I think it’s some of the most creative thinking in the book.

Anyhow, late in 2004 (when the book manuscript was with the printer) I spoke at a ecumenical conference (national youth ministries of the Anglican, Catholic, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand); the big E. The theme was gospel and culture and they asked me to exploration the interaction between global and local. It was a chance to earth the DJ image in terms of ministry and young people and globalisation. It is a more “well-cooked” version of Postcard 8, including a social justice reflection. It’s now a chapter in a book; titled “Culture – Yeah Right.”

(Buy the book, by contacting Jacky Sewell, 3/89 Michael’s Ave, Ellerslie, Auckland. Cost – Book $20, DVD $45 or both for $60. P&P $5 in NZ, $10 Aust and Sth Pacific, $20 rest of the world.)

They also interviewed me, and this is now an online QT video (11 MB). So if you want to see my “summary” or get the 10 minute summary, download here.


This post is repeated in my out of bounds church? book blog.

Posted by steve at 01:30 PM


  1. Thanks for the “heads up” – any more info on the contents of the book, and DVD?

    Comment by Paul Fromont — February 15, 2006 @ 4:21 pm

  2. hi steve,

    thanks for putting up that theme here – just recently I wrote about it on my blog. At the moment I am writing some posts about incarnation and one of the posts has been about remixing culture with gospel. I linked to this article and the interview. For me this is some kind of a key to understand what we are doing, because we are stepping out of one dimension where you could either do culture or gospel – and of course justice – and are entering the dimension where we remix all the different areas to one “new” song. Sometimes this is very challenging to us and even more to others because you are no longer able to distinct between the different areas, because they are melting into one song.


    Comment by [depone] — February 15, 2006 @ 10:58 pm

  3. email or phone?

    Comment by darren — February 16, 2006 @ 1:08 am

  4. Darren,
    it was a face to face interview, videotaped about a year ago.


    Comment by steve — February 16, 2006 @ 7:15 am

  5. hehe, what i meant was…

    if there was an email address or phone number for Jacky Sewell… i should pay more attn to what i comment…

    Comment by darren — February 16, 2006 @ 4:50 pm

  6. ahh, that makes more sense Darren. I am currently negotiating with the publishers and seeking permission to make it available via paypal through the web. So hang around, I’m hoping to have some news soon.

    Comment by steve — February 17, 2006 @ 6:05 pm

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