Friday, June 17, 2005

evangelism by encouragement

I’ve been appreciating Barnabas as a interesting model of mission over the last week; he’s known as an encourager; he’s also a ministry resourcer (linking a young leader, Paul with a changing church) and around Barnabbas’s ministry comes a clearer identity (“called Christians”).

And through this “many turned to the Lord.” Now, to be honest, evangelists I meet leave me feeling condemned and beaten up, guilty within their black and white words and worlds. Yet here is Barnabas, a fascinating model of evangelism by encouragement and ministry resourcing and clarifying identity.

So we took time as a staff team over coffee this week to name what was encouraging us about the church in general, and about each other specifically. And having, like Barnabbas, been encouraging, we relaxed to let God take care of the growth of the church.

Posted by steve at 04:56 PM


  1. I have to say I was very encouraged by the “encouragements” received! esp being a “words of affirmation” person. Great exercise.

    Comment by Amy — June 18, 2005 @ 5:01 pm

  2. Nice. I have to ask myself when the last time was that we examined the idea of encouragment in my church. Food for thought.

    Comment by Glen — June 21, 2005 @ 6:04 pm

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