Friday, October 31, 2008

mary and elizabeth action figures: updated with resources used

mary and elizabeth action figures

mary and elizabeth action figures

Mary and Elizabeth action figures making their appearance at the Uniting Church Synod today. Aren’t they gorgeous, greeting each other, with my lap top screen behind them.

Since the 350 Synod delegates met around round tables, it was easy to designate half the tables as “Mary” tables, each with a Mary action figure; and the other half “Elizabeth” tables. This allowed for an experience of communal lectio divina, wondering what it felt like to be Mary, then Elizabeth, and finally Zechariah, in Luke 1:39-45. From this flowed a chapter from the upcoming book, a missional reading of Advent, and then the table groups worked on some application questions.

I’m not sure if action figures were what the Synod were expecting when they asked a “Southern” Baptist to provide a Bible study, but it was good to be able to offer some creative Biblical interaction in a larger size group, and it certainly produced some great conversation with people over a cup of coffee afterward.

Tomorrow Mary is meeting Paul Kelly.

And here is a list of the resources I used in both sessions, as I sought to offer a (creatively, interactive-ish) missional reading of Luke 1:39-45 and Luke 1:46-56 …..

Friday: Missional reading of Luke 1:39-45- resources used

To download videos from the internet, go here.

the Benched video, can be viewed here

Mary and Elizabeth action figures were made by cartoonist Simon Smith for an Anglican Diocese in UK. They are 2 in a set of 24, designed for each day of Advent season, downloadable for a fee from here and have a wealth of possibilities for resourcing Advent.

Saturday: Missional reading of Magnificant – resources used
the reading of the Magnificant was taken from the Contemporary English Version, and mixed with the chorus from Paul Kelly’s “From Little Things Big Things Grow:

more about Darryl Pfitzner Milika can be gleaned from “Indigenous Content and Perspectives. The Learning Federation. Schools online curriculum,” downloaded from here.

Fuzz Kitto, Mission and worship video, is downloadable (for a fee) from here

Posted by steve at 05:45 PM


  1. Is it Mary and Elizabeth or Barrak and McCain? 😉

    Comment by Mark — October 31, 2008 @ 11:34 pm

  2. Hi Steve,

    I was the English visitor at the Synod this morning and thought Mary and Elizabeth Part 2 this was excellent. You gave me lots to think about as I head off to 8 weeks placement in Brisbane. Thanks for a great Bible Study.


    Comment by David — November 2, 2008 @ 12:02 am

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