Friday, December 14, 2012

My largest study ever

Ripon College is the centering, homing location for our sabbatical. It emerged from a chance email, three Kiwis missiologists connecting. Cathy Ross emailed me congratulating us on our appointing at Uniting College of our new Director of Missiologist, Rosemary Dewerse. Cathy offered us hospitality if I ever came to the UK, which I said I actually was planning to do in a few months. And so we are now here at Ripon College, training place for Anglican Ordinands.

The library is located within the building and I’ve found a quiet little spot. I’ve not worked in a dedicated theological library for a long time and its just magic, surrounded by all the books you are likely to need. It’s like my office, only with more books and no work to distract or desk to tidy. It’s safer than a public library, meaning you can leave your computer to go for lunch or a 15 minute walk-and-break. It’s richer, being able to go to “practical theology” and browse all the relevant shelf, looking for chapters on how the Bible is being used, or going to “ecclesiology” and finding an new resource.

This first week of sabbatical I’ve started with a blank page and written around 4,000 words of a book prĂ©cis. What do I want to say, how to begin, how to end and the stepping stones to get there? I hope to have a publisher proposal and sample chapter by Christmas.

Posted by steve at 10:09 PM


  1. So are you in Oxford next week? I will be at CMS in Oxford Friday afternoon if you fancy lunch?

    Comment by Mark Berry — December 14, 2012 @ 10:16 pm

  2. I think so. Will need to check and get back to you. Lunch sounds grand. Do you have a suggested time and place, cos I’m a newbie,


    Comment by steve — December 15, 2012 @ 3:40 am

  3. Look up books on Trinity and ministry whilst your there. Ta!

    Comment by Chris — December 16, 2012 @ 10:46 pm

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