Tuesday, January 19, 2010
new blog name?
A recurring question, with our shift across the Tasman, is “What will you call your blog?”
It started out as “emergentkiwi” and that is still it’s URL. That name felt appropriate at that time, a signifier of a search for forms of faith that made sense for Kiwi’s in a globalised, millenial culture.
Last summer, while keeping the URL, I renamed it “sustain:if:able kiwi“; because it was summer. And with my garden an increasingly important part of my spirituality, I wanted to reflect on issues around sustainability – still of (emerging) faith and spirituality, but with an earthed feel, and linked to a more scattered spirituality.
But how does that translate with a trans-Tasman shift:
any helpful suggestions welcomed, as we wing our way Aussie-ward ….
Sorry Steve postkiwi.com is already taken. We could join together to form Flight of the Kiwis.
Comment by Duncan — January 19, 2010 @ 4:11 pm
you could keep the present title as one of the things you will be trying to sustain is your Kiwi identity as you wallow in the soup of testosterone and capitalism that passes for Australian culture!
(it’s ok i can say that cos i am 1/4 ozzie myself)
Comment by jonathan robinson — January 20, 2010 @ 8:58 am
Steve, perhaps after you have savoured the delights of the ‘non-testosterone and non-capitalist’ version of Australian culture a name will come to you. Plenty to discover in Australia which I’m sure will fire your imagination. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.
P.S. I know your only joking, Jonathan. We ozzies can take a joke as quick as we take a good Kiwi rock band! Split Enz were Australian, weren’t they?
Comment by Chris McLeod — January 20, 2010 @ 6:18 pm
jonathon, your cross-cultural sensitivities are outstanding !!
it is meant to be 40deg today – today we are “hotkiwis”
Comment by steve — January 21, 2010 @ 11:38 am