Saturday, July 08, 2006

painting a print

Keith sent me this:


his painting of my blog header picture. The blog header picture is of a sea shell lying on a New Zealand beach and came from the invitation to the baptism of a good and dear friend. Keith made the following interpretation “I sorta made it where the shell is on safe ground but things are tough on the horizon.”

Posted by steve at 09:49 PM


  1. Hiya Steve – yeah, a friend just sent me the link to your blog today showing this painting.
    I always liked that picture you use on your header 🙂
    It’s great to see it being ‘reproduced’ and reframed… What better compliment could an artist get?!

    Comment by MC — July 12, 2006 @ 3:53 am

  2. yeah, you need a blog mike, so that i could have linked and pointed people to you.

    Comment by steve — July 12, 2006 @ 8:10 am

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