Saturday, October 27, 2007
phd interview
“I was tired of reading abstract surveys of cultural change followed by a few generalised comments. I wanted to explore what was actually happening on the ground, with people…”
I was interviewed recently for about my PhD; titled “A Case Study Approach to Cityside Baptist Church as Christian Faith “making do” in a Postmodern World. You can read the whole interview here. (And I still have not got around to a 2nd print run, so if anyone wants to buy a copy of the PhD, leave a comment here.)
What is absolutely unbelievable is that they have written that I come from the USA, despite the fact that I talk in the interview about living in New Zealand. Oh well, just goes to show I guess that the emerging church really is born in the USA.
Hey man, didn’t you know that the whole world is in the USA? 🙂
I hope everything is fine and that things go well with the house selling.
Comment by Rickard — October 28, 2007 @ 6:58 am
Hi can you put me down for a copy of the Phd.
Only thing I know about the property market is what goes up must eventually come down:)
Comment by jo wall — October 28, 2007 @ 7:28 pm
Hi Steve,
can you put me down for a copy as well?
Comment by Duane — October 29, 2007 @ 11:37 am