Saturday, May 07, 2005

quiz night

We had a quiz nite at church last nite. Teams of 5; 8 teams in total. We met for fish and chip tea, and then got into the “quiz” nite – trivia, famous faces, places, TV themes, music. It was a great nite, just being together, laughing, relaxing, building community.

1. I had been vidoed that day by a Baptist crew and asked the question “Why is Opawa attracting young adults?” It was neat to look around and see so many young adults, and so many kids, probably over half who have joined in the last 6 months and think, “yes, this is a changing church.”

2. Great to turn up to something at Opawa that I had nothing to do with, in organising or planning. Our development pastor has a brief to “build community” and this was his gig.

3. Quiz nites are quite popular in NZ culture and I didn’t ever think I’d see a quiz nite at Opawa Baptist.

Oh, our team won!

Posted by steve at 12:58 PM


  1. It was rigged…

    Why were most of the TV questions from the 70s and 80s?

    The real reason you are happy about there being so many young adults at Opawa is that they [we] are too young to know the answers to those questions..

    Seriously though, it was fun and we enjoyed ourselves very much 🙂

    Comment by Paul — May 7, 2005 @ 2:10 pm

  2. He he! I reckon! Pastor’s team winning… a bit dodgy, must of been rigged! Far out I’m glad I was the ditzy co-host, I would have done terrible if I was participating! Sum questions from the 90’s or even this decade would have been nice! All jokes aside it was a great nite, well organised and must have been nice for you to just turn up and not have to lock up!

    It is so great having this ‘new wind’ at opawa with fresh faces and such cool people too! It’s a refreshing season to be in.

    PS – yes there has been a few quiz nites @ opawa (cldn’t you tell from my experienced co-hosting ability???!) – maybe we need more!

    PPS – i started a blog

    Comment by Amy — May 7, 2005 @ 4:22 pm

  3. Hey all. The only rigging was in our skillful selection of team members… and no, you can’t have any of them for next time!

    Comment by lynne — May 8, 2005 @ 9:38 am

  4. Maybe next time we’ll have to mix up the teams? you know, just to spread around the skillful selection !!

    Comment by Amy — May 8, 2005 @ 3:10 pm

  5. goodness me, I thought it was just a fun night.

    Comment by steve — May 8, 2005 @ 4:46 pm

  6. Sounds like Full Contact Wheel of Fortune is on for next time?

    Comment by Andrew — May 8, 2005 @ 4:51 pm

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