Monday, November 15, 2010
spirituality of blood and bone: another fresh expression
Some mates are web-journalling their guerrilla garden attempts in Christchurch. Currently the virtual looks much more impressive than the real, but knowing the rainfall of Christchurch and the power of spuds and rhubarb, I’m sure it will change.
I do think that gardens make an excellent place to ground (pun intended) a fresh expression. I’ve blogged before about
- the spirituality of composting (here)
- the spirituality of gardening (here and here)
- about a gardening centre as a future church model (here)
- about an outdoor faith indoors (here)
- about how we brought back the harvest festival at church last year in response to the Global Financial crisis and as our families headed back to the garden (here)
- a funny story that emerged because we as a church gave out vege plants at our annual Spring Clean community contact day
- about why I’m a vegetarian (here)
- about how much (little actually) land you need to feed a family of 3 (here)
Here in Adelaide there is even more interest in fresh food and local produce than in Christchurch. What about a fresh expression that met on Saturday while the Central Market was open, and used stations – of thanks, of fair trade justice, of community – that the thousands who attend the market could engage?
Posted by steve at 08:46 AM
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by emergentkiwi and Serenity Satoru, Soul Energy. Soul Energy said: sustain:if:able kiwi » spirituality of blood and bone: another … […]
Pingback by Tweets that mention sustain:if:able kiwi » spirituality of blood and bone: another fresh expression -- — November 15, 2010 @ 9:31 am
love it! what a great idea
Comment by sarah — November 15, 2010 @ 3:04 pm