Saturday, October 14, 2006

the kingdom is at kids eye level

Tomorrow (Sunday) is a Take a Kid to Faith service at Opawa. We do these every 2 to 3 months. The kids staying in and we learn about faith together. They are wild and unpredictable and require lots of work.

One of the Lectionary readings for Opawa staff, interns and church this week included Matthew 19, verse 14, where Jesus says “Let the children come to me.” And wait, there’s more. “for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Adults are tall and love to talk down to kids. But what if Jesus actually meant what he said? What if the Kingdom of heaven really does belong among kids?.

It should make every adult bend down. Start looking at life through the eyes of children. It might even be a Kingdom practice. That’s why I’m glad to be part of Take a Kid to Faith services at Opawa.

It’s too easy to send kids off to Sunday School. Turn church into a babysitting service. Miss out on looking at life through the eyes of a child. Miss seeing a glimpse of the Kingdom.

Posted by steve at 05:05 PM


  1. Greetings

    I have often challenged communities and individuals – to stretch their thinking about children & church – that all being equal around God’s table – if the practice is to split for teaching (children “out” to Sunday School – adults “in” for their teaching) from time to time shouldn’t adults go “out” for their teaching and children stay “in”? Also I know so many (Anglican anyway) churches hope for children in their services & I would like to copyright church child dolls – which have the size & shape of children – but sit quietly & don’t move etc “like adults” 🙂 Actually in my experience adults can be as noisy as they don’t want the kids to be in church 🙂
    Your thoughts remind me – I must write about this on my site.

    In Christ


    Comment by Bosco Peters — October 19, 2006 @ 7:28 am

  2. lol 🙂 but cardboard cutouts don’t tithe Bosco!

    Comment by steve — October 19, 2006 @ 10:42 am

  3. neither do children! …well not “powerfully” anyway

    Comment by Lynne — October 19, 2006 @ 11:10 am

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