Sunday, April 15, 2007

An inconvenient truth?

EARTH DAY: 22 April, 3pm-5.30pm
Opawa Baptist Church

Reflections on the science, theology and personal responsibility of climate change
* For anyone who saw Al Gore’s movie and was challenged or has questions
* For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the movie
* For those who want to know how they can better care for our earth
* For people who don’t think we need to care for the earth, but are willing to have their view challenged

With special guests:
Prof Geoffrey Savage (Lincoln University), Rev Dr Steve Taylor (BCNZ)

3-4.40pm Movie showing of “An inconvenient truth”

4.45-5.15pm Questions including:
How credible are Al Gore’s claims? Is global warming a given? How about the hole in the ozone? How do the CO2 calculations work (2.5 kg of CO2 seems a lot from 1 litre of petrol)? How concerned should I be to reduce my carbon footprint? As Christians should we care? Are we going to inherit a new heaven and a new earth? Therefore shouldn’t we feel free to trash the old one? Does God love the physical world, or only the “souls” that inhabit it? What does Colossians 1:15-17 mean for us as Christians as we consider climate change?

5.15-5.30 Questions from the floor (if time)

Concluding with Sustainable Living information packs.

Posted by steve at 10:24 PM

1 Comment

  1. I’ll be interested to hear how the conversation surrounding global warming develops at Opawa. We played An Inconvenient Truth at St Johns College the week before Lent to an audience of 10 out of a possible 75 – not bad I suppose for Anglicans. A subsequent ecological Lenten study attracted a grand total of ….3! Despite strong words from a few of our Bishops it doesn’t seem as though emerging anglican leadership (here at least) are making strong connections between faith and ecology. I hope more will happen in your oikos!
    I suspect the implications of such environmental claims are to overwhelming for most us.


    Comment by Andrew — April 16, 2007 @ 4:09 pm

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