Thursday, December 01, 2011
mission shaped ministry Adelaide calls it a dawn
Endings became beginnings, as the Adelaide mission shaped ministry course concluded last night.
The evening began in celebration, with food and sparking wine. Around tables folk looked back, reflecting on what the course had meant. They looked forward, reflecting on first next steps and what ongoing relational connections they wanted:
- coaching
- learning networks
- regular reunions
The evening concluded with worship, a thanks for all we had experienced and then a commissioning into the dawn that is God’s new possibilities.
Spontaneously the lights were turned out and the leaders thanked. Each lit candle represented a person from the course, better equipped to be light in their communities. Each unlit candle represented the potential of future courses, (Semester 2, 2012) to ignite more lights into the community. A new dawn.
Throughout the night we shot video, interviewing folk about what the course meant to them, hoping to create an Aussie accented mission shaped ministry promotion. The camera person commented how they were blown away by what people shared and the sort of life changes they were speaking of, which was really neat to hear.
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