Monday, May 23, 2011

please say a prayer for me now

If you’re the praying kind, I have a big week, with a number of events that will generate some adrenaline and stress in me and could be quite significant for mission in South/Australia.

On Tuesday I am speaking all day to the Anglican Clergy Conference of South Australia. My three topics are

  • Defining fresh expressions
  • Leading and fresh expressions
  • Diversity and fresh expressions

On Thursday and Friday I am hosting a gathering to workshop the national missionshaped ministry course. There are folk coming from Tasmania, Sydney, Canberra.

On Saturday I speak at the Lutheran Synod of South Australia. This includes a keynote on titled Mission Shaped Ministry – Equipping for the Future and an elective, on Fresh Expressions of Church

On Sunday I preach at the combined Uniting churches of Flerieu Peninsula celebration, to preach and talk about the new directions in mission and leadership being undertaken by Uniting College.

(Then next Monday I fly to Perth for 3 days. In between I have two three hour Masters classes. It all feels exciting and daunting and I’ll certainly be glad of a break at the end.)

Posted by steve at 11:08 AM


  1. Just remember that wherever you go and whatever you do, God is there before you. Enjoy your busy week!
    Shalom, Maureen

    Comment by Maureen — May 23, 2011 @ 12:14 pm

  2. My prayers are with you Steve, may you be blessed as you are a blessing to others in this very busy week

    Comment by Geoff — May 23, 2011 @ 7:11 pm

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