Friday, November 09, 2012

2020 learning spaces

Help me please.

On Tuesday I will spend 3 hours with some architects. They will look at me and ask:

  • if you had a brand new building, what spaces would you need to grow leaders in innovation and invigoration?
  • what furnishings would you like inside those spaces?

So, my friends, help me ….

Posted by steve at 10:09 PM


  1. One think i would say is small study rooms for group work or collabrative study in the library or something. Just need a space which encourages team work and ideas to be thrown around.

    Comment by Nicole Mugford — November 9, 2012 @ 10:16 pm

  2. Hi Steve,

    Try not to be bound by today’s lecture based technology of interactive whiteboards – expect people to have tablets or similar and figure out what sort of spaces would work well with people talking, interacting with what is on their tablet, and the person facilitating the learning being present either virtually or physically.

    Simple things like room orientation gets hard wired as soon as a whiteboard is on a wall so try and work out how to keep things flexible.

    Look at something like: for other ideas.


    Comment by David Morgan — November 10, 2012 @ 3:57 am

  3. fixed white board and data projector = fixed front,

    compared with white board on wheels.

    but what about that video you want them all to watch?


    Comment by steve — November 10, 2012 @ 6:53 am

  4. Hey Steve
    spaces that are flexible, spaces that are comfortable,
    group meeting spaces where you can eat, drink and yet not be in the common room!
    involve the students in coming up with ideas as well as other groups who may use the space.

    Comment by michelle — November 10, 2012 @ 12:52 pm

  5. Dear Steve, Try There is an office in Adelaide.These architects design new learning environments for universities based on educational research into student-centred, collaborative and problem solving approaches to learning. Research articles are available.
    Learning community approach can inform the design of improved learning environments and church building learning environments.
    Also try to google under “Funky School” and find The Australian Magazine article on Funky School by Caroline Overington, September 10-11, 2011. Ideas re “agile learning”, and agile learning spaces and the new role of the teacher-leader for such spaces, etc.
    Influence of internet learning may also inform learning spaces re online vibrant learning communities. Multi-level collaborative flexible learning environments.
    Use of iPads and new technology in education; digital social networking enhancing learning; collaboration, interaction, connectedness, new roles for teachers and open learning spaces. Helpful Reference: Professional Educator, Australian College of Educators, Vol 11 Issue 5, July 2012.
    Have fun. Best wishes, John.

    Comment by John Littleton — November 10, 2012 @ 6:30 pm

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