Friday, May 29, 2009
bible days: 1 Corinthians (updated)
Updated: Some good reflection on Bible days here: including a perceptive wondering about the place of ongoing learning: When i go to the doctor i presume that she is up to date with the best resources and learning available. i hope we treat the bible with the same respect: continuing to mine more truth and resource from it. not figuring we know all there is to be known.
Bible days. Wanting to deepen Bible knowledge? Take two hours to blow the dust off the book of 1 Corinthians and consider its impact for Christians today. Saturday, May 30, 3:30-5:30 pm, exploring 1 Corinthians with Steve Graham. Opawa Baptist Church. Cost $5 (for non-Opawa-ites).
What is Bible days (here and here and MP3 (2meg) rough cut intro here?
Just in case you do not know of him…… (more…)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
next Bible days
Bible days. Wanting to deepen Bible knowledge? Take two hours to blow the dust off the book of 1 Peter and consider its impact for Christians today. Saturday, April 25, 3:30-5:30 pm, exploring 1 Peter with Dr Paul Trebilco. Opawa Baptist Church, cnr Hastings St East and Wilsons Road. Cost $5 (for non-Opawa-ites).
What is Bible days (here and here and MP3 (2meg) rough cut intro here?
Just in case you do not know of him…… (more…)