Saturday, May 28, 2011

a magic mission morning

I was up early, leaving home at 7:20 am on a Saturday morning, to drive to Murray Bridge. I was giving the opening plenary (60 minute) address for the Lutheran District of South Australia and the Northern Territories, followed by a 60 minute elective.

The first talk sought to place fresh expressions with the frame of global mission and contemporary theology. The second talk (with over 100 folk turning up) focused on leadership in mission today, along with information about Fresh expressions and mission and ministry training being offered here in South Australia today – the mission-shaped ministry pilot being offered later this year, the new pioneer stream in the Bachelor of Ministry, the new Missional masters.

It was a simply beautiful drive. Salmonella Dub (Longtime) on the stereo.

Don’t you fall from grace
be cool with your space
check your place
in the race

Mist in the hollows of the Adelaide Hills. Sun stroking the tree tops. A chance to be with part of God’s wider church, to talk mission, to simply participate in the ongoing mission of God.

It was the second time this week that I have addressed a mainline denomination about fresh expressions, mission and leadership. It follows the spending of Thursday and Friday with 16 folk from 4 denominations and 4 states, all key folk in their denominations, all highly skilled ministry practioners, together plotting mission training. An enormous privilege to be among such insight, experience and passion.

It sort of feels like God is up to something, in Australia and across a number of denominations and church systems.

Posted by steve at 10:42 PM


  1. Morning Steve
    I am pleased for you. It has been a gratifying,affirming and productive, week for you – despite the apprehension of Monday (i.e. say a prayer for me). In all of your haste and engagement, I hope you take some time out to reflect on that and smell the roses.As to your creative influence upon me: I have been revisiting the music and poetry of my era, searching for the spiritual and religious ‘messages’ within it that I was oblivious to but perhaps responding to. As to South Australian poets you might want to familiarise yourself with – Colin Thiele & Max Fatchen might be relevant. Talk to you Thursday night about them further if you like. Go well this week.

    Comment by fred trueman — May 29, 2011 @ 10:21 am

  2. Thanks Fred. the magic of the morning – the mist, the sun, certainly was for me a “smell the roses” time. As was the knowledge of folk praying,

    I looked for Thiele and Fatchen in the library today – no luck, but will keep trying,

    See you Thursday


    Comment by steve — May 29, 2011 @ 6:37 pm

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