Friday, May 27, 2005
art internship
Our first ever Opawa art intern started this week. Shannon McMillan is from the US and is here at Opawa with us for the winter (her summer).
She is involved in setting up creative prayer in our new 24/7 prayer room, using creative art in services, reading in the area of arts and Christianity and in developing her own creativity. Today we talked about reclaiming hymns books for intercessory prayer and she went off to make a sail cloth praise wall for use in worship.
Art internships are a new area for me, and for Opawa church. I am not sure how it will all work out, but I am glad to be a part of.
Posted by steve at 09:30 PM
Hmmm, reclaiming hymn books for intercessory prayer. Sound’s fascinating. Could you please tease that out for those of us who haven’t yet disclaimed hymn books?
Comment by Andrew — May 27, 2005 @ 10:14 pm
Being the wrong side of 60 and always working against the effects of an ageing stroke a few years ago, how am I meant to identify with a young art intern from USA! Thought we would both drift around the church as ships that pass in the night hardly touching each others lives. But NO, this 21 year old is one special person ………… and like with many of these earnest young ones I wonder whatever will she be doing when she is the wrong side of 60!
As I see it now Opawa is going to be delighted to have this gem spending time here. One day we will try to casually say “I know her, she was at our church for a while!”
Yes, it is a new venture, but with balanced quality and deep spirituality like this it will be another giant leap forward for Opawa.
Does she sound too holy? This kid was wonderfully excited to get a second hand mountain bike to ride around our flat city.
Wonder what her parents are like………
Wonder if they have words of wisdom on how they bought up Shannon…………
I wonder whether we could ………………
Yes, young ones like this ~ and Amy too ~ make me want to make dreams become reality.
I think it is working already Steve! Thank you.
Comment by Elizabeth — May 28, 2005 @ 11:31 am
She is one great chick.
It is fantastic to have Shannon in this neck of the woods for this season.
I am already thinking how we will miss her when she goes!
Comment by lynne — May 28, 2005 @ 1:54 pm
Is something more significant than having an art intern happening here? (As SIGNIFICANT and special as that is).
If mission is from “everywhere to everywhere”, churches, denominational structures and denominational colleges will need to learn how to facilitate and receive people from oversea’s who want to missionaly engage in New Zealand.
The predominant paradigm of mission as sending will need to cut out some space for mission as receiving and facilitating.
Could this be a taste of “things to come”?
Comment by Mark — May 30, 2005 @ 9:59 am
Mark, interesting perspective.
by the taste of things to come I assume you do you mean US missionaries to NZ (cos we already spend far too much time as a country looking to the US) 🙂 grinningly steve
Comment by steve — June 8, 2005 @ 11:07 am