Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Can daddy leave please?

I am a vegetarian and when I am away from home, the family get to eat fried chicken at Kentucky Fried Chicken. We were driving past the local KFC last week and Kayli, our 4 year old asks from the back seat; Can Daddy leave please?

All this to say that her dreams are coming true. It looks like I will be at the emergent convention in San Diego, Feb 2-5 next year, doing some stuff.

I am available that weekend, Feb 6, if anyone in the US wants to use me. Ideally, you’d be able to share some plane fare with the promoters.

PS: I am white, male and under 45. But I have NO dabs in my hair (just a few natural grey streaks!). What do I do?

Posted by steve at 07:57 AM


  1. Ah, but then there are the heart-wrenching sobs after we leave the airport terminal …
    “I don’t want Daddy to go”, and then the sad “I miss Daddy”‘s that punctuate your time away.

    You are missed when you are away!

    (Not so you feel guilty, but so you feel loved!)

    for the at-home-team

    Comment by lynne — July 27, 2004 @ 4:43 pm

  2. I can relate — EVERYTIME I come in to my daughter’s (2 years old) room after a nap or in the morning, her first question is always “Where’s mommy?”

    Comment by john — July 27, 2004 @ 5:31 pm

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