Saturday, July 28, 2007

chip off the old block

We are chips off the block, shaped by our parents, moulded by their attitudes and behaviours. The church I pastor has an old building and a new building. The old building, built in 1953, is an A-frame.

[Photo of church under construction, 1953]


It is quite rare to see an A-frame house in Christchurch, let alone an A-frame church. So this week the pastor from back in that day was contacted and asked “Why? Why an A-frame?”

Looking back I think the church realized that to replace the
former church, built in 1916 and founded in 1924, the new church had to be
of a design, outside the square and would revolutionize the way churches
would be built in the future.

That’s a great chip to carry on our shoulders into the future.

Posted by steve at 11:32 PM


  1. I can’ beleive noboday has commented on this post! Here in Adelaide we have these churches everywhere (and everyone complains about them) especially in the Churches of Christ. Is this the current building you meet in Steve? And, what are your thoughts on buildings? Should they be built to be sanctuary’s i.e. a place where people recognise that the church is a sacred and holy place or is funcionality and multi use the important thing?

    Comment by mark — August 2, 2007 @ 12:33 pm

  2. I can’ beleive noboday has commented on this post! Here in Adelaide we have these churches everywhere (and everyone complains about them) especially in the Churches of Christ. Is this the current building you meet in Steve? And, what are your thoughts on buildings? Should they be built to be sanctuary’s i.e. a place where people recognise that the church is a sacred and holy place or is funcionality and multi use the important thing?

    Comment by mark — August 2, 2007 @ 12:33 pm

  3. Hi Mark,

    We no longer meet for service in this building, and it is used as a youth hall and for community ministry.

    I was telling the story as part of practising appreciative enquiry, narrating and renarrating what God has done in the past through this people of God.

    For me, buildings depend on your mission and I don’t have ideological preferences either way.


    Comment by — August 2, 2007 @ 2:00 pm

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