Wednesday, May 28, 2008

community demographics roadshow

The better half of the emergentkiwi partnership kicked off the community demographics roadshow in Christchurch today. A pleasing turnout of church leaders and it was great to see groups of people huddled together engaging around the needs of their neighbourhoods.

“What a gift” commented a church leader afterward.

AngelWings Research (that’s the business that Lynne and I run) and the Baptist National Resource Centre, in association with the Vision Network of NZ, are taking a punt and offering these Community Demographics Seminar. In the space of three hours you get
– a presentation on the composition of your city
– a detailed profile on your local community
– tools to help you get the most out of that profile
– time to work through your community profile, using those tools, with others from your church and with input from the researcher
– good time to network with like minded leaders
– ending with (creative) prayer for your city.

With Christchurch done, next up is ….
AUCKLAND: Thursday 26 June, Carey Baptist College, 473 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland, 9:30-12:30 pm, and then

WELLINGTON: Wednesday 2 July, Miramar Baptist Church, 33 Park Road, Miramar, Wellington, 1:30-4:30 pm

Who is it for?
– Church leaders keen to better understand their local contexts
– Churches that are wondering what ministries they could effectively and usefully run into their local communities
– Anyone who wants further fuel for prayer for or engagement into their local communities.

Cost: $150 for demography profile (if not already purchased).
$20 for first person from church, $10 subsequent people from church, max $60 per church (up to 10 people). (No charge for Baptist ChurchesÂ…)

Posted by steve at 06:33 PM


  1. Hi Steve, I think this great and a great gift to the churches. My question from the provinces is are the presentations of the composition of “your” city limited to Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington profiles or does it include, for example, Napier? When I heard it spoken of I got the sense that it focussed on those cities only but I may have misunderstood…

    Comment by Andrew — May 29, 2008 @ 9:51 am

  2. Andrew,

    the day starts with an overview of the area in which she is (chch if in chch, auck if in auck). she then talks about what she looks for in data. then each person gets their own community and she wanders around, helping each group, ending with prayer.

    in terms of the provinces, its a question of economics. Lynne is putting quite a bit of her/our own time and $ into this, banking on a response to cover costs.

    as a family and a business, we simply can’t afford to fly her to all the provinces.

    however, if a province wanted her and would work with her to make it financially viable, she would love to come and would provide demographic overview of your province, probably complete with jokes about big cities like auckland.


    Comment by steve — May 29, 2008 @ 10:11 am

  3. Hi Andrew
    i am travelling to Chch, Akld, Wgtn, so the “your city” bit is on whichever centre i am in. the local demographics are on your local neighbourhood. i could be persuaded to go elsewhere perhaps, but wasn’t sure how popular it would be…
    each session spends about half an hour with the “your city” detail and the rest of the time is local to your own demographics. make sense?
    Lynne 🙂

    Comment by lynne — May 29, 2008 @ 10:12 am

  4. Thanks for the response and I totally understand the financial limitations. It sounds like there will be plenty of time within the local demographics. Thanks again and thanks for providing this gift.

    Big city jokes are always a winner in provinces – I know this from the relentless mocking I still get about being an Aucklander…

    Comment by Andrew — May 29, 2008 @ 10:35 am

  5. Ok just checked the calandar and seen I have a retreat that week and can’t make it (bugger!). I hope it continues to go really well.

    Comment by Andrew — May 29, 2008 @ 10:40 am

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