Tuesday, March 06, 2012

crossing cultures for leadership formation

Great day at Uniting College yesterday, with our candidates exploring crossing cultures, through the eyes of indigenous peoples of Australia.

A highlight was chapel, in which we sung in a number of languages, heard the Lords Prayer in local Kaura language, and affirmed God in many cultures.

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (from Uniting Church National Worship Working Group, in consultation with local church indigenous people)
We say God created the universe,
and the world we live in,
and every living thing on this earth.

We believe the Creation shows us the power and presence of God,
and makes us want to praise and give thanks to God,
and take good care of the earth God has made.

We are full of joy that across the world
different peoples have their own culture and language,
and that in God we are all united together as one.

We say God is Spirit, breath of life,
who is always working to bring people to life in God.

We believe the Spirit has been alive and active in every race and culture,
getting hearts and minds ready for good news:
the good news of God’s love and grace that Jesus Christ revealed.

We are full of joy that from the beginning the Spirit was alive and active,
revealing God through the law, custom, and ceremony
of the First Peoples of this ancient land.

We say Jesus is Saviour and Lord,
and that he began the church,
and prayed that the church might be together as one.

We believe that in the risen Jesus we are all brothers and sisters in the one great family of God, and that God calls us to live in faith, hope, and love
for the sake of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

We are full of joy that we can learn, grow and serve together as a pilgrim people in the name of Christ.

It was very, very rich, almost emotional to sit in that space and hear the indigenous languages of this country honoured.

Then in the afternoon students headed to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre, to enjoy the beauty and hear the stories.

Pray God it’s not an event, but part of a process in which crossing cultures and respect for local contexts becomes imprinted in our DNA; as a College, as students, as humans.

Posted by steve at 05:56 PM

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