Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Diploma of Ministry: New pathway in Innovation and Pioneering
It seems appropriate in the week following Pentecost, to note the recent decision of the Academic Board to approve a new pathway in Innovation and Pioneering.
Dave Male has endorsed this, saying:
“This is a fantastic course that equips missional leaders for the present and the future of the church. I would encourage any leader to consider coming on this. It has some of the best material and teachers in the pioneering world.”
Diploma of Ministry: New pathway in Innovation and Pioneering
A new pathway in the Diploma of Ministry will provide a comprehensive foundation in principles and practices of ministries of innovation and social entrepreneurship shaped by a Christian commitment.
The Diploma of Ministry is nested within the Bachelor of Ministry for those who wish to continue their study. This new pathway would be ideally suited for those wanting to transition to Bachelor of Ministry Practice Stream.
The Diploma of Ministry general structure is 8 units, of which 4 are core and 4 are elective. In this pathway students complete 6 required units (including the four core) and 2 optional units. The Diploma can be completed in one year of full-time study, or part-time equivalent study.
Required units
MINS1002 Introducing the Scriptures*
This unit provides an overview of the OT and NT writings, exploring major theological themes (one being missio Dei). Students in this pathway would have available an assignment focused on pioneering in Biblical texts.
MINS1305 Reading Cultures*
Key themes in this unit include understanding communities, global cultures, and ministry models. Students would have available an assignment focused on pioneering in a new mission.
MINS1601 Spirituality for 21st Century Disciples*
This units assists students to develop the ability to articulate biblical, spiritual and ethical bases for Christian discipleship and reflect on application of these in our own life and others.
MINS1510 Introduction to Formation for Ministry*
In this unit students explore the nature and practice of Christian formation, including learning styles, self-assessment, commitment to ethical practice, to develop an understanding of identity in relation to taking on professional role in ministry and the implications for vocation, faith and life.
MINS23xx Innovation as Pioneering
This new unit explores questions such as: Who is a pioneer? What are their practices? How do they sustain their life? (for more, see here).
MINS2518 Supervised Field Education 1
Students in this pathway would undertake SFE for experience in a pioneering context, either starting something or in observation.
Optional units
Two units chosen from the following:
MINS2318 Mission Then, Mission Now
MINS2314 The Theology of Jesus Christ, Word and Saviour
MINS3339 Missional Church Leadership
MINS2537 Theology and Practice of Chaplaincy
MINS2317 Guided Study in Innovation A
Each of these units gives students the opportunity to explore or reflect on themes relevant to innovation and pioneering:
- Mission Then, Mission Now explores church history for mission lessons for today;
- Theology of Jesus Christ explores Jesus with particular attention to boundary crossing;
- Missional Church Leadership invites reflection on mission to Western cultures with particular attention to the local church’s participation;
- Theology and Practice of Chaplaincy introduces students to practices, images and theological themes in a practical theology of chaplaincy.
- Guided Study in Innovation A enables a focus on mission shaped ministry
Rationale for new Diploma pathway
We have, over the last few years, used the specialisation pathway in the Diploma to point to particular vocation paths within our suite of courses. A new pathway in innovation and pioneering continues this focus.
We have a BMin Practice Stream offering and the Diploma provides a clear entry pathway.
The Uniting Church have asked us to train pioneer leaders and this course meets this request.
In a diverse educational market, this continues one of the unique foci of Uniting College around leadership, mission and innovation.
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