Friday, September 04, 2009
do you have a sinner’s table please?
Zaccheus was a sinner, well-known for his exploitation and participation in injustice.
Jesus asked to go to his house for dinner.
At Zaccheus’s house, Jesus saw redemption.
Who are our Zaccheus’s today, the people and places, we need to invite ourselves to eat among?
This week a newer Christian at Opawa read the book of Ruth to a local drug dealer, while another newcomer invited a practicing wiccan to an upcoming church service.
How much redemption do we miss because we fail to eat at the houses of an/other?
Posted by steve at 05:27 PM
So the issue I am thinking over is – when I speak to my recent submission to the Christchurch city council about advertising prostition services in my neighbourhood am I going to bar myself from the prostitutes table – I place I have been and would go again if invited ??
Comment by Jo Wall — September 7, 2009 @ 10:25 am