Wednesday, September 14, 2005
emerging church course content
I’m teaching a two day block course on contemporary ways of being church (September 23, 24) at BCNZ (Christchurch). I’ve spent today finalising course content and now the BCNZ office staff are busy pricing laptop hirage for on-line experiences and banquet costs. What this means is that the course is starting to click and starting to look like a seriously fun multi-sensory learning experience.
Day one morning
Storytelling (Bodge plants a seed). What are the new plants emerging in our new soil?
Romeo and Juliet as a visual lens on our new cultural soil
Mobile in life and mobile in faith. Group work using cell phones as metaphor for our contemporary soil.
Day one afternoon as a case study of mobile spirituality. What does this mean for church and mission and leadership?
Church furniture: What can new environments (sofas and cafes) mean for church and mission and leadership? (Or is this just moving the deck chairs on the Titanic?)
Day two morning
God flows; God births; God images; God dances: the resources of a missionary theology
Spiritual practices as a case study of new possibilities.
The Incarnational ethics of a consuming Christianity
Day two afternoon
Grounded in real life: stories from practioners
Grounded in your life: the lonely planet banquet
No offence, and I’m asking this so I can understand not to persecute, but a lot of this stuff to me sounds really secondary to important christian life to me. I’m really interested to know the point of these courses. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, and I do see that you have a great passion for The Lord, and think it’s truely an amazing thing, but yeah, just don’t understand all the emphasis on all these secondary things when IMO most christians these days don’t suffer from sore behinds from sitting in uncomfortable chairs but they just lack decent solid teaching about God from the bible, not christian living from the point of view of the preacher, if you understand my point of difference.
Comment by Andrew Brown — September 15, 2005 @ 7:27 pm
I’m happy to discuss the relevance of content, but surely that is best done based on the content of the 12 hours of teaching, rather than a bunch of headlines on a blog.
Comment by steve — September 15, 2005 @ 10:07 pm
Oh sure I do agree. I’m sorry it kinda just hit a nerve with me, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with those things, I just have some genuine concerns for the church and those headlines seem to be somewhat of what concern I have, in a sense. No worries
Comment by Andrew Brown — September 16, 2005 @ 9:23 pm
Fair enough Andrew.
Comment by steve — September 22, 2005 @ 5:30 pm