Sunday, August 19, 2012
Eyre update and the gift of wide open spaces
I’m just back from a great weekend in the Eyre Peninsula – 6 hour drive up on Friday, talking about mission on the Saturday, 6 hour return drive today. The reason was an invite to work with the Rural Resourcing team for the Uniting Church, addressing the theme “Getting on with Mission,” and leading in communion. Here is some of our work together
As part of my teaching I’d asked folk to make a symbol of their communities, which I then collected. During the concluding worship, these symbols were re-distributed, held and in small groups folk prayed for each other’s mission across the Peninsula. A wonderful expression of inter-connection.
These were placed on the communion table. The lectionary text was John 6, so I had taken up a bread maker, which meant hot bread for communion. The smell a wonderful image of mission.
There were 41 folk from all 16 churches from across the Eyre Peninsula and lots of very positive feedback. Being told I’m “practical” and “commonsense” is very gratifying feedback from country folk from another country!
While I’ll probably be tired by weeks end, I return very aware that these things are just what I need as part of my Principal rhythm. The wide open spaces of rural Australia were a tonic after a busy week of meetings. What is more important is how these events get me out among the churches and engaging with lay people. They earth me among the struggles (to survive)
and the joys (finding a church in the middle of nowhere in which 60 folk gather each Sunday)
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