Saturday, February 07, 2004
Futures group
I start my new job as pastor at Opawa Baptist in 10 days time. I am looking forward to a 3 day/week job that is 10 minutes walk away, rather than an 80 minute flight. Amid the busyness of commuting to Auckland, I start to think about my new role.
I bring to a long established church my 9 years of planting an emerging church, my teaching gifts, my creativity and my PhD study on the theology of the emerging church. I have a commitment to both nurture what is, and to encourage what might yet be. How to listen and respect what is, while sharing of my hopes, dreams and experiences?
One idea I have had is to start a futures group, a gathering with no official status and no set agenda, yet the space to talk and dream. Meeting say fortnightly. An open invitation to anyone at Opawa to join a conversation; to reflect on postmodernity, to experience new ways of worship together, to talk about what this might mean for Opawa and for those outside church in Christchurch.
What do you think? Any suggestions for an appropriate name? Any other ideas of ways I might respectfully blend my insights, passions and dreams with Gods story already woven in, and through, a group of faithful servants?
no bright ideas for a name, but the vision is great. the weaving idea is lovely.
Comment by maggi — February 7, 2004 @ 11:40 pm
great idea – on the subject of futures how many months is liquid church going to be your book of the month?! 🙂
Comment by jonnybaker — February 8, 2004 @ 11:19 am
Love the idea. I feel a little jealous that you are going to be having such great chats. I thought about ‘the crystal ball’ as a name but quickly decided against it for obvious reasons. I am excited by this. Thanks for the inspiration.
Comment by marion — February 11, 2004 @ 9:39 am
Was browsing Google and found your site, enjoyed the reading, thanks
Comment by Shirley — April 13, 2004 @ 7:28 pm