Saturday, July 10, 2010

God in the margins and cross the boundaries

It has been a fascinating 24 hours at the Engaging the Basis of Union conference. The aim is to provide scholarly discussion on the Uniting Church’s Basis of Union and I was urged to attend by my work. I think the hope was for me to network and get more of a feel of the whole Uniting ethos/theology/style.

To be honest, I came reluctantly. I needed a weekend with family, not yet another weekend away on church stuff, yet another meeting with strangers, yet another chance to feel displaced. But the ticket were booked and away I go.

What has resonated the most for me was the session on “transcending cultural, economic, national and racial boundaries, and hearing the wisdom from a Korean theologian and a Fijian theology. Here are some of the choice quotes, all of which I apply to my own sense of displacement:

  • “to be open to the grief of leaving your cultural home is to be willing to share in the healing of others.”
  • “when you live in the margins, you gain the privilege of seeing two centres”
  • “the time does come when you discover a piece of yourself even in a strange land”
  • “offering a hospitable space to a new culture can’t be at the expense of a Christ-following which challenges injustice”
  • “if Jesus did contextual theology, then don’t forget he still came into conflict with his context.”

All of these had a sense of God speaking to me. It doesn’t make it any easier for me to be in Australia, but it has provided some fresh lens.

Posted by steve at 06:13 PM

1 Comment

  1. i like this one

    “the time does come when you discover a piece of yourself even in a strange land”

    weekend together soon

    lynne xx

    Comment by lynne — July 11, 2010 @ 5:20 pm

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