Saturday, February 07, 2009

groove armada new album free download

Groove Armada‘s new EP is out. What’s more, until March, it’s a free download from, a new experiment in digital sharing. For Andy Cato, “Sharing music has always gone on. It’s giving music away that’s the problem. We wanted to come up with a 21st century version of what we used to do with cassette tapes. When you give music away for free it’s disposable. When you share it, it’s done with love.”

Here’s the “sharing” deal – click below and you also get to download the EP. What’s more – the more that click through from this blog, the more of the EP tracks I get to download. I share the linking luv with you, I get some luv shared back.

emergentkiwi has shared an exclusive Groove Armada track with 0 people on B-Live Share

Get the track for yourself and start sharing

Posted by steve at 11:46 PM

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