Sunday, September 16, 2012

heirloom carrots and a missional mode

Browsing a local market on Saturday, we found a bunch of carrots. Not just your standard orange, but at least 3 other, different, types

  • purple (dark)
  • yellow
  • purple

Gorgeous. I walked home wondering if in this photo lies some key elements for a 21st century missional way of being church. Diversity not uniformity, multi-layered not mono-cultural.

This is the world of Heirloom carrots, available from places like Diggers

An exclusive Digger’s mix exploding with colours from red to white and purple to yellow. Succulent and sweet, these carrots hold their colour when cooked, adding an exciting dimension to meals and salads.

I’ve blogged before about the missional lessons at Diggers – the multiple ways they allow a connection with their community

  • A space:
  • A cafe:
  • A demonstration garden:
  • Seeds.
  • Workshops.
  • Festivals.
  • A committed core.

It’s such a practical list of possibilities, an illustration of the diverse ways that a church can create multiple access points and encourage many and varied ways to participate. Of course, the same applies to theological colleges. How can Uniting College encourage such multiple engagements?

If the mono-vision of churches is the worship service, I’d suggest the mono-vision for colleges is topics and courses. So what might be the “demonstrations”; “festivals”; “spaces” offered by theological educators?

Posted by steve at 03:37 PM


  1. How about students ’embedded’ with a host congregation who will take an interest and support them through study?
    Ask Peter Morel or Rod Peppiatt about their time at Seacliff UC as students. 🙂

    Comment by Maureen — September 16, 2012 @ 6:03 pm

  2. Students embedded certainly has echoes of that carrot taproot.

    One of the shifts in the College in last few years is re-making the placement a priority, the belief that it is not the theory that is needed, but the immersion in experience that grounds the theory. So all students are embedded, many for the whole time, others for a significant part (at least a year),


    Comment by steve — September 16, 2012 @ 11:03 pm

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