Wednesday, April 05, 2006
how to win friends and influence people
I love my American friends; so instant, so action orientated. So one of my American friends emailed yesterday. They need to tele-conference with me. A group is meeting and they love a missional project I had suggested to them. Could they talk futher?
Sure I said.
But they could only talk at 6 am my time.
I groan. That’s when I’m asleep. Surely it can wait.
Not it can’t.
So I set up alarm and I’m up this morning.
The call comes. And then they let it slip. Oh, we had trouble ringing you. The first time was the wrong number.
How to win friends and influence people:) At least I was up. But imagine being woken by a toll call at 6 am in the morning only to find it was the wrong number! 🙂
Posted by steve at 03:59 PM
you nz folks aren’t instant and action oriented? hehe…one of the coolest things about reading international blogs is when people talk about Americans
Comment by Makeesha — April 6, 2006 @ 3:19 am
Nah… we’re all so laid back we’re basically horizontal. I think it has something to do with living life upside-down down-under! 🙂
Comment by lynne — April 6, 2006 @ 10:17 am