Monday, February 22, 2010

It’s my party

Saturday was my birthday and the day was framed around a cheese and wine trail. Blessed Cheese is a local identity, producing great food, focused around local cheeses. Which they also make available in a hamper, and partner with a list of wineries who provide a wine to match the cheese.

So over about five hours, we worked our way through cheeses, seated at various local McLarenvale wineries. Slow eating. Slow driving the countryside, such a newly different landscape, with scattered gums and gaunt hills.

Cheese tasting is not necessarily the greatest thing for the kids. It is my party … but we provided for them the Birthday Boredom Buster Bag. Each got a book to read, plus a letter writing kit. So they spent time writing letters home, reading and asking the perennial question: “You having a good time Dad?”

The final stop was Samuels George, which has previously been a moment of spiritual encounter. Once again, we were late, but they were open. The wine dogs were out, just the right level of friendliness for two kids. Who also got a tour of the wine making lab. Superb views (photo from a previous visit, Oct 08):

A great day, having a good time. Cheers to life.

Posted by steve at 08:23 AM


  1. just caught up with this… happy birthday, belatedly!

    Comment by maggi — February 25, 2010 @ 5:48 am

  2. thanks maggi,


    Comment by steve — February 26, 2010 @ 7:46 am

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