Friday, June 26, 2009

left behind video games theology

One of my tasks, as part of Grow for Sunday night, is to analyse the theology of the Left Behind video games trailer. It’s part of 3 weeks were we explore what the Bible says about the end of time.

Here’s the LOL comment made in youtube: personally, i cant wait for the rapture. as an atheist, i am sure to stay here, and if these christians are right, then they will all disappear. poof! the world just became a more logical and rational place!

If this is the text:

Throughout history, men and and women have chose one of 3 paths. Those who daily seek a personal relationship with God, unbelievers and believers who don’t seek after God and those who chose to ignore God.

And as the prophets foretold – God will come to take his people home. No-one knows the day or the hour. Without any warning all infants, children and many people, mysteriously disappear. Terror and confusion reign the world over. For those left behind, the apocalypse has just begun.

that what is this saying about God; and about humanity?

Posted by steve at 05:53 PM


  1. I thought this review was interesting….;read-review

    Comment by Aaron — June 27, 2009 @ 7:48 am

  2. Why are there burning buildings in NY city (last shot)… and why is the Hudson River churned up???

    Comment by KSW — June 27, 2009 @ 1:34 pm

  3. ta for the link Aaron. to sum the review: left behind = 2nd rate gaming; and that says something Christian creativity for a start.


    Comment by steve — June 27, 2009 @ 2:52 pm

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