Sunday, May 15, 2005

less flames, more fire

Pentecost 2004, things got pretty heated around Opawa, as we lit a 2 ft pumice rock soaked in meths.


Pentecost 2005 had less flames, but perhaps more fire. We:
: baptised Andrew Wilson
: launched a 24/7 prayer room
: commissioned expresso, a new cafe congregation, to go live Tuesday 31 May.
: gave the kids chalk and let them chalk flames and kites all over the concrete outside the church. It made a great site as people left the building, sort of like our worship leading us into the community.
: listened to a digeridoo and heard Acts 2 read in 6 different languages. The best part of worship was giving the kids bubbles to blow (the wind of the Spirit), and seeing our intermediate boys cascading bubbles down on the congregation from the balcony.

This week Pentecost continues. The Nor-West festival offers teaching, live music and an outdoor art project (if you’re trying to get your head around what this looks like, go here.)

I looked up an old hymnbook this week. There were 143 hymns about Jesus; 29 about the Creator; 18 about the Spirit. The nor-west festival week of teaching and music and creative expression is simply our attempt to honour this “forgotten” member of the Trinity.

Posted by steve at 10:13 PM


  1. Sounds like fun! What with book launches in Melbourne, services on Sundays, festivals and Expresso starting how do you fit it all in?

    Comment by tim — May 16, 2005 @ 6:30 am

  2. You folks obviously know how to do church. Reading this makes it hard for me to go to mine …

    Comment by sA — May 16, 2005 @ 9:55 am

  3. Tim
    I have a great team at Opawa.

    Yet we are all pretty busy through this season and looking forward to a slightly slower winter season.


    Comment by steve — May 19, 2005 @ 2:28 pm

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