Friday, September 09, 2005

midwiving and leadership formation

I’ve just had some more of my thinking published. In my book the out of bounds church?, I spent some time using the image of midwiving to describe emerging church ministry. It is organic and life-giving. It employs a multi-facted skill base amid the mess and complexity of life in giving birth to the dreams of mother and child.

Anyhow, I have now developed my thinking a bit further. This started life (OK, was birthed) as a paper I gave in November 2004. I has now been published (born again?) in a recent Ministry, Society and Theology Journal. In the article I explore some Biblical echoes around mid-wives, particularly in Exodus. I then apply the mid-wiving image to the task of spiritual formation, theological education and ministry leadership.

Title: Midwiving and the practices of theological field education.


Copies of the entire journal (264 pages) can be purchased for $7 (Aus) from:
The Editorial Committee
Whitley College
271 Royal Parade
Parkville Vic 3052

Posted by steve at 06:16 PM


  1. Congratulations!

    Comment by tim — September 10, 2005 @ 6:36 am

  2. Sounds like a cool concept! Gave me something to chew on…

    Comment by Tony Myles — September 12, 2005 @ 8:28 pm

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