Friday, March 09, 2007
more lenten resources
A few weeks ago I highlighted some Lent and Holy Week resources. Here are two more:
Tears of lament: “The triumph of life takes place at the edge of death” Jacques Derrida
Running in Highgate, Dunedin, this church are using Lamentations as the basis for creating a “House of Sorrows.” They are wanting people to post prayers and stories of the ‘lament’ in our present world. You are also welcome to send to them a small piece of cloth/rag, which will be placed in their church as part of the House of Sorrows; thus creating an installation that can give voice to lament and be a place for offering prayers of Hope. Sounds a fascinating mix of global prayer and installation and community.
And there is some good thoughts on worship at this New Zealand liturgy site, along with suggested resources through the Church Year, especially useful for those who appreciate words well-used.
just a blatant plug for additional lent resources – visual litugy films from The Work of the People. praying and listening as we struggle in this time of bright sadness…
Comment by travis — March 23, 2007 @ 4:10 pm