Tuesday, April 08, 2008
practicing communion with storytelling
Last Sunday the sermon text had been the Emmaus Road. A number of challenges were given: to seek the Risen Jesus on the road, to practice Christian practices, to depend on the Spirit.
So on Sunday we decided to provide time for storytelling.
3, not 1, communion tables were placed up the front and chairs added to ring the tables. I read from the Emmaus text. Bread was broken and thanks offered.
I then reminded people of the sermon and placed the communion elements on all 3 tables. I invited people to participate in two ways.
They could either remain seated and be served. Or, if they wanted, they could come to front, sit at a table, share communion and tell a story, of either meeting Jesus during the week, a Christian practice they were finding life giving, or a way they were needing the Spirit. A sung item was played.
And it worked well. Appropriate numbers of people responded and some encouraging stories were told. People talked afterwards about how helpful it had been. It was a worthwhile way to practice communion with real live stories around table.
That sounds great. Suddenly it appears strange to have communion without communicating, to have taken that out.
Comment by Jack — April 8, 2008 @ 8:37 pm
I like that idea too!! Will have to see if I can get away with it at my church sometime!!
Comment by Deborah Taggart — April 8, 2008 @ 9:29 pm