Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reading Scriptures missiologically

Chris Wright has an essay Truth with a Mission: Reading the Scriptures Missiologically, currently free for download here. It is a really good, concise introduction to the idea of the Bible as a missional book. It starts with the concept that mission is something we do, because the Bible tells us so. Wright argues that this is not because of a few favourite key texts, but because the whole Bible is itself a “missional” phenomenon. He suggests that

  • the very Bible is a product of God’s mission
  • evangelicals have been good at reading the Old Testament in light of Jesus, but poor at reading the Old Testament in light of mission
  • God with a mission; humanity with a mission; Israel with a mission; Jesus with a mission
  • a critique of Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission; because of his failure to find mission in the Old Testament, because his understanding of mission, as boundary crossing, is simply too narrow
  • so a look at the missiological implications of Old Testament themes of monotheism, election, ethics, eschatology.

This is a really helpful introduction to Wright. At 15 pages, it is much more accessible than his 580 page The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative; or his The Mission of God’s People: A Biblical Theology of the Church’s Mission, which my missional Masters students have worked through this year.

(Hat tip via here)

Posted by steve at 10:21 AM


  1. Hi Steve, glad the post was useful and thanks for the link. Every blessing in your work, Tim

    Comment by Tim Davy — October 13, 2011 @ 6:04 am

  2. I heard Chris Wright deliver a series of Five lectures on Mission across the Scriptures at the Keswick Convention this year. It was most excellent fayre – by far the best I’d heard in the past few years there.
    Chris exudes Christ in his preaching and teaching – learned and gentle
    Real Gift to the mission of the church – thanks for plugging this, Steve

    Comment by Eric — October 14, 2011 @ 3:45 pm

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